Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

GPSJ Lite 2.7

GPSJ Lite is a console for Bluetooth-enabled GPS receivers.

GPSJ Lite is a console for Bluetooth-enabled GPS receivers, a mobile navigation tool for cellular phone owners.
It is a J2ME (Java Micro Edition) application for JSR82-compliant devices.
GPS/J Lite is a version of GPS/J dedicated to resource limited devices.
Version 2.7 now released:
Portal - a Web application for waypoint&track management:
sharing waypoints and tracks with other GPS/J users
waypoint&track export and import through Web page
data backup&recovery
Three customizable information screens presenting the following information:
current speed
geographic position in various formats
pointer and distance to chosen point
number of satellites received
Compass indicates:
the direction user is moving in
distance and azimuth to the selected point
current speed and number of sats
POI data of the whole world available
displaying current position and track, user defined waypoints and saved tracks
Other features:
Night mode
Saving timestamps in tracks
Track autosave option
Visit www.gpsj.eu for update!
